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Shaping the narrative: Journalists dominate the European tech influence landscape

“Independent journalism is the exact tonic the world needs most at a moment in which polarization and misinformation are shaking the foundations of liberal democracies and undermining society’s ability to meet the existential challenges of the era, from inequality to political dysfunction to the accelerating toll of climate change.” A.G. Sulzberger, publisher of The New […]

The private sector drives influence in European tech

The pulse of progress beats strongest in the private sector, and this holds true across the European tech influencer community. Our recent 2023 Tyto Tech 500 research, which compiles the top influencers from five European countries – the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Sweden, reveals an interesting dynamic in the realm of tech influence. […]

Tech 500: Cybersecurity gains prominence in 2022, ConsumerTech and EdTech lose it

The current climate of insecurity and uncertainty, including the war in Ukraine has heightened the importance of cybersecurity at both business and government level. Unsurprisingly, this has contributed to an increase in the number of relevant public experts in these fields. In parallel, the growth of global cyber-attacks on both private institutions and governments is […]

Tech 500: The role of Academia and institutional stakeholders in uncertain times

The global situation as we know it has changed considerably in recent years. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the climate crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, followed by record-breaking inflation to a practically global forecasted slowdown in economic growth, each of these major events have provoked great instability around the world.  Against this backdrop of […]

Towards a more sustainable world: 4 GreenTech predictions

For years we have been hearing voices warning us about the bleak future that awaits our planet, a world that is heading towards a climate crisis. Experts and institutions that watch over the preservation of our ecosystem continually warn us about the dangerous terrain we are entering and the need to take measures to reverse […]

My location-agnostic PR agency life | Borja Iglesias

Hello! I am Borja Iglesias, Digital Strategy Lead at Tyto, and this is my location-agnostic life. In this series, we want to highlight the freedom our location-agnostic model enables and how we navigate any challenges it presents. What’s your morning routine? I am not a morning person. Basically, I get up, take a shower, have breakfast […]

5 most listened ‘Without Borders’ podcast episodes of 2021

2021 has been a record year in the startup ecosystem with mind-boggling venture capital investments and a generation of unicorns never seen before. Global funding increased 111% YoY to shatter previous record, reaching $621B. There are now almost 1,000 startups with a +$1B valuation after the unprecedented boom in the last twelve months: a new […]