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Breaking down barriers: The rise of women in European Tech

The lack of women in technology is not an easy problem to solve. Despite recent research from the Tech Talent Charter indicating that women and gender minorities now make up a larger proportion of the UK’s tech workforce than ever before, this figure is still just 28%, and moving slowly, albeit in the right direction. […]

Introducing the Tyto Accelerator – our brand-new tailored programme for new entrants to the tech PR industry

Earlier this month, Tyto launched our latest talent programme – the Tyto Accelerator. The new programme saw six future PR superstars from across Europe come together in London for a week of training, guest speakers and onboarding – both to the agency and to their PR careers.   Remote work creates more opportunities  When Tyto […]

Six tips to help get PR at the top table

We’re told PR finally has a seat at the top table in business, so why doesn’t it always feel like that? To make an impact in corporate PR it is essential that you have the support and respect of your senior leadership team. So what can comms people do to get their attention and be […]

Women in tech are gaining influence, but it’s still not enough

2018 is being called by some commentators the ‘year of the woman’. While this personally grates on me (we only get one year?), there’s no doubt that 2018 has seen some of the most visible challenges to the male-dominated status quo across a number of different areas. From the worldwide ripple effect of the #metoo […]

Flexible working is not just for mums

On Friday, the Global Women in PR Group published a report on gender inequality and attitudes in the PR industry. As someone well-versed in the issues surrounding gender inequality in the workplace, I was not surprised that, even in an industry so overwhelmingly staffed by women, men still earn disproportionately more. But this time it […]