Safeguarding press freedom globally

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What did we do?

Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontières, RSF) is an international non-profit organisation based on principles of democratic governance. Founded in 1985 in Montpellier, RSF is at the forefront of the defence and promotion of freedom of information. Recognised as a public interest organisation in France since 1995, RSF has consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the International Organisation of Francophonie (OIF).

RSF actively works to protect and promote press freedom worldwide. They provide daily updates in multiple languages about abuses against journalists and censorship, alongside their annual World Press Freedom Index that evaluates press freedom in 180 countries. Through direct action and mobilisation campaigns, they encourage citizens and leaders to champion press freedom.

Through the Tyto Foundation, we commit resources equal to 20% of our annual profit to pro bono projects that seek to promote equality of opportunity, address injustice or support inclusion within the tech, media or communications industries. We have supported RSF since 2021 as part of our Tyto Foundation work.

We helped the organisation launch its World Press Freedom Index as it continues its mission of safeguarding press freedom globally. For this campaign, we secured 11 articles with a readership of over 362 million and an average domain authority of 93. Some of the highlights of our work included articles by BBC, The Guardian, The Scotsman and Evening Standard.