My location-agnostic PR agency life | Donia Metoui

29th December 2021

Bonjour! I am Donia Metoui, a Consultant at Tyto, and this is my location-agnostic life. In this series, we want to highlight the freedom our model enables and how we navigate any challenges it presents.

What’s your morning routine?

I start the day by giving my cat her breakfast. That is really the first thing I do because if I don’t, she’ll get cross and won’t let me do anything else!

Not being much of a morning person, I need to have coffee as soon as possible to really wake-up and focus. While taking the first sip of my coffee, I open my laptop and check the news and my emails.

How do you organise your day?

I always write down my to do list at the beginning of the day. I’m one of those people who needs to write things down. I try to make it as clear and detailed as possible, so I write each action for each client, the last update, and deadlines. The most important and urgent actions are usually blocked in my agenda so I can give them the right amount of time.

I also do my best to have proper lunch breaks away from my desk.

When are you the most productive?

Once I get going, I’m actually most productive in the morning. That’s why I usually plan to write content, do localisations and proofreading at that time.

What is your favourite workplace?

I love working from nice places like hotel lounges and cosy coworking spaces. Especially since Covid-19, I try to look for places with the best views. New décor puts me in a good mood and motivates me.

What’s your favourite thing about working remotely?

I enjoy working remotely because I can go wherever I want and travel to other cities or countries throughout the year. It is great to know that in the summer for example, I can go to the south of France and work close to the beach!

One of the biggest advantages for me though is being able to go back to my hometown in Tunis, Tunisia as often as I can. I can finally spend more time with my family and be present during important events like weddings.

What do you miss about working in an office?

I miss seeing colleagues more often and getting updates on how they are doing and what’s going on in their lives which are discussions we normally would have at the cafeteria or even the lift. However, I still frequently meet my French colleagues at coworking spaces in Paris.

At Tyto, we also often organise virtual lunches and coffees and try to get together in a new destination via our Hackweek event. We also have a ‘Tyto Passport’ which allows us to travel to a place of our choice for our professional growth. My first destination was London where I was able to meet some colleagues for the first time. It was a great experience!

What’s your secret weapon?

Usually, at the end of the day, my cat starts seeking attention and practically forces me to disconnect and play with her. She can be a real comfort and makes me laugh at very unexpected moments.

My other not-so-secret weapon is: M&Ms!

Tyto is the only PR and communications agency built to scale high-growth tech companies faster across Europe. Innovation without limits demands PRWithoutBorders™.