
Navigating change in the European landscape – tech sector trends revealed 

In the rapidly advancing world of technology, the 2023 Tyto Tech…

Are the most influential women in tech narrowing the gender gap?

The technology industry is rapidly growing, and its influence…

Shaping the narrative: Journalists dominate the European tech influence landscape

“Independent journalism is the exact tonic the world needs…

The private sector drives influence in European tech

The pulse of progress beats strongest in the private sector,…

2023 Tyto Tech 500: Journalists overtake business leaders for tech industry influence for the first time

In 2017, we launched the Tyto Tech 500 to identify the most influential…

The evolving European cybersecurity landscape: What the Tyto Tech 500 report tells us

The role of cybersecurity in the modern world is no longer just…

Decoding the DNA of tech influencers: What sets them apart?

“Gen Z wants to ditch the corporate job to become an influencer,”…

Breaking down barriers: The rise of women in European Tech

The lack of women in technology is not an easy problem to solve.…

Tech 500: Cybersecurity gains prominence in 2022, ConsumerTech and EdTech lose it

The current climate of insecurity and uncertainty, including…

Moving the industry forward: the role of technology innovators 

"Necessity is the mother of invention" and going on the findings…