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My location-agnostic PR agency life | Oscar Osborne

Hello! I am Oscar Osborne, Consultant at Tyto, and this is my location-agnostic life. In this series, we want to highlight the freedom our model enables employees and how we navigate any challenges it presents. What’s your morning routine? I usually wake up just before 7 and the first thing I do most days is stretch […]

The Tyto team’s favourite podcasts, volume 2

It’s no secret that the team at Tyto do enjoy a podcast, whether it be about tech news, politics, or – my personal favourite – Roman history. We believe podcasts are a great way to learn about interesting topics or hear from fascinating people you would otherwise never hear from. Our enthusiasm for podcasts is […]

A graduate’s take on virtual working

Oscar Osborne joined Tyto, remotely, for a stint as an intern, after graduating with a degree in politics from the University of Leeds. Looking for some ‘real world’ experience, he has excelled with a willingness to learn, swift task completion and his ability to gel with the entire team. Here are his thoughts on how […]