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Long Live Public Relations

Reclaiming Public Relations Today we launch Tyto, a European PR agency with a focus on technology, science and innovation. Here we share our thoughts on why we’re PR and proud. Brendon Craigie, former Hotwire Founder and CEO, and Ellen Raphael, former Director UK of Sense About Science, founders of Tyto. Public Relations is dead! Long […]

Neugründung: Tyto startet mit grenzüberschreitendem Agenturkonzept

Interdisziplinäre europäische PR-Agentur verbindet die Themenfelder Technologie, Wissenschaft und Innovation London/Paris/Frankfurt/Madrid, 4. Oktober 2017; – Tyto, eine neue europäische, inhabergeführte PR-Agentur mit Fokus auf Technologie, Wissenschaft und Innovation nimmt heute den Betrieb auf. Unter der Philosophie PRWithoutBorders™ bietet Tyto über Landes-, Disziplin- und Sprachgrenzen hinweg Kommunikationslösungen für moderne, agile Unternehmen an. Hinter Tyto stehen die […]

Delivering PRWithoutBorders™

A conversation with Brendon Craigie and Ellen Raphael, founders of Tyto. What is Tyto? Ellen: Tyto is a new European PR agency, focused on the colliding worlds of technology, science and innovation. We are different in that we operate across both geographical borders, but also services borders, within the discipline of PR itself. Brendon: There’s […]

Why the future of PR is borderless

When British Prime Minister Theresa May said “If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere” the explicit message was that you are either with us or against us. You are British or homeless. What does this mean for international PR and communications agencies that have risen to support […]