My location-agnostic PR agency life | Lucie Leigh

Hello! I am Lucie, a Consultant at Tyto and this is my location-agnostic life. In this series, we want to highlight the freedom our PRWithoutBorders™ model enables and how we navigate any challenges it presents.  

What’s your morning routine?

I would LOVE to say I get up at 5 am and go for a run… but the reality is mornings are a struggle for me! I wake up at around 7.30, make a (large) coffee and get myself ready. If the weather is nice, I sometimes manage a short walk or spend a few minutes in the garden soaking up daylight before heading to my desk.

How do you organise your day?

I am a sucker for pretty stationary, so I have a weekly diary that I write my to-do list in. From that list, I highlight the most important or time-sensitive tasks so I can prioritise those first.

At the end of the day, I go through my list and highlight top priorities for the following day. It helps me plan and manage deadlines effectively.

My diary normally ends up a bit of a scribbly mess by Friday afternoon, but I see that as a sign of a busy and productive week. 

When are you the most productive? 

Definitely afternoons. I like to spend my mornings getting through smaller admin-based tasks, and save the latter part of the day to focus. 

What is your favourite workplace? 

My home office – I love having a space dedicated to my work which really helps me concentrate. Equally, it also helps me to switch off in the evenings and weekends.   

I recently upgraded to a standing desk too, which is a game-changer!

What’s your favourite thing about working remotely?  

So many things – the headspace, the home comforts, the flexibility. For me, remote work means I can live in a rural part of Scotland and have a career I love.   

What do you miss about working in an office? 

Of course I miss seeing my colleagues every day, but when you work remotely you do find yourself making more of an effort to create those ‘water-cooler’ moments virtually. 

Can I also say I miss the endless supply of biscuits? 

What’s your secret weapon? 

I have an essential oil diffuser on my desk, which helps me concentrate, relax or feel energised depending on what I am working on. 

It also means my office always smells lovely too, which is an added bonus. 

What is the culture like at Tyto? 

Despite being a remote agency, there is a conscious effort to bring people together both in person and virtually across teams and countries – it really does feel like one team. 

The testament to this was at my first Tyto Hackweek in Amsterdam last year. There were a few team members I had never met before, but it felt like we knew each other so well.  

What do you like most about working at Tyto? 

Everyone is supportive, encouraging and always ready to lend a hand or a listening ear. We work with fantastic clients as there are so many exciting opportunities to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone.