Remote Working

Why the new models of working are the new normal

Remote working is the latest evolution in the way we work.

From the assembly line of the industrial revolution era, to the Mad Men-esque environments of the 60s and 70s, to the isolated cubicle-based offices of the 80s and 90s, and finally, the open space set up of the years 2000 – the workplace is constantly evolving.

Remote working is increasingly the norm for many businesses and the new normal for employees across industries and in particular in the tech sector. The current societal changes make it the most suitable way of working, here is why.

A generational shift

As millennials and generation Z employees climb the corporate ladder, they increasingly shape their work environments according to their needs and impose remote working as the norm. A report from the freelancing platform, UpWork, shows that 69% of younger managers say they allow their team members to work remotely, compared to 59% of generation X managers and 58% of baby boomers.

A more diverse workforce

Calls for more diversity have become louder across society. Remote working offers an avenue for businesses to build a more diverse workforce. As location is no longer a barrier, companies can thrive by becoming the destination for the best people regardless of where they are based and what background they come from.

A higher quality of work

Technologies like Wire, Slack and Zoom enable remote employees to collaborate with their teams while working from a convenient location. With no time wasted commuting and fewer distractions in comparison to an office, employees can focus on their tasks, be more productive and more satisfied with their jobs. In addition, when everyone is remote, the sense of belonging and camaraderie remains. Face-to-face meetings are important on occasion, but these are done with purpose.

A profitable choice

Cities are increasingly becoming ill-suited for both employees and businesses’ needs. With the average annual rent in London for prime office space reaching £70 per square foot annually, the highest in Europe, bricks-and-mortar businesses are making little financial sense. Similarly, living in cities such as Paris and Frankfurt are becoming a logistical, economical, and even emotional choice for employees who increasingly wish for a higher quality of life.

For the planet

Transport emissions represent 21% of the UK’s carbon footprint, and on a daily basis, employees spend 4.6 million hours commuting. One study found that 98% of a person’s carbon emissions incurred at work were down to their commute. By allowing employees to work from the comfort of their homes, businesses can have a real impact on the planet. Other beneficial aspects include lower plastic used, as employees are likely to consume less plastic-packaged convenience food and drink and lower energy usage.