
Tyto dévoile la nouvelle édition de son rapport Tech 500 sur les influenceurs

En 2017, nous avions lancé la Tyto Tech 500 Power List dans le but d’identifier les personnalités les plus influentes du secteur technologique britannique et de comprendre ce qui crée réellement de l’influence. Puis en 2019, nous y avions inclus l’Allemagne, et l’année suivante la France, afin d’avoir un aperçu plus large des trois plus grandes économies d’Europe.

Aujourd’hui, alors que nous publions la 5e édition de notre rapport annuel Tech 500, notre évaluation objective de l’influence du secteur technologique européen est plus approfondie que jamais. Nous avons étoffé notre analyse des influenceurs en France en passant d’un Top 100 à un Top 500, comme dans les deux autres pays, et avons répertorié de nouvelles catégories Tech comme l’informatique quantique ou encore la SpaceTech.

Alors, qu’avons-nous appris au cours de cette cinquième année de réflexion et de recherche sur l’influence ?

Principaux résultats de la Tech 500 Power List 2021

Notre premier constat est que la GreenTech occupe désormais une place plus importante dans la liste européenne Tech 500, la GreenTech s’est hissée au quatrième rang des catégories les plus représentées, sur les 17 secteurs technologiques analysés.

Les questions environnementales demeurent un sujet majeur, au cœur de l’agenda politique, social et médiatique. De plus, la COP26 a vu les dirigeants mondiaux prendre des engagements et tenir des promesses historiques pour réduire les émissions de carbone et limiter le réchauffement climatique. Les nouvelles technologies joueront un rôle déterminant dans la concrétisation de ces engagements, ce qui explique la progression du nombre d’influenceurs GreenTech dans les classements des trois pays, cette année. Au Royaume-Uni, leur nombre a augmenté de 160 %, et en Allemagne de 47 %. Quant à la France, les influenceurs GreenTech sont passés de seulement 2 % du total à 6,4 %.

Notre deuxième constat porte sur la Covid-19 : la pandémie mondiale a rebattu les cartes de l’influence, et son impact est encore perceptible dans le rapport de cette année. Le développement et le déploiement réussis des vaccins (ainsi que l’émergence des nouveaux variants du virus) ont permis aux épidémiologistes, aux spécialistes de l’immunologie et aux autres experts de la santé de jouer un rôle essentiel dans la compréhension du Coronavirus.

En conséquence, les spécialistes de la BioTech et de la HealthTech ont vu leur influence croître de manière exponentielle. Des personnalités telles que Kate Bingham (ancienne responsable de la « UK Vaccine Taskforce »), Chris Whitty (médecin-chef de l’Angleterre) et Özlem Türeci (cofondatrice de BioNTech, ayant mis au point le premier vaccin approuvé contre la Covid-19) sont devenues quelques-unes des figures les plus influentes de l’année passée. En outre, les influenceurs BioTech dans le classement Tech 500 ont augmenté de 69 % et ceux de la HealthTech de 35 %. En 2021, un influenceur sur 10, dans le Top 500 à travers les trois pays, appartient à l’un de ces deux secteurs.

De la même manière, et en raison de la pandémie, l’influence des hommes politiques, des conseillers gouvernementaux et des universitaires a augmenté. Les citoyens ont sollicité les opinions de ces experts afin de comprendre le virus, ainsi que l’impact qu’aurait la levée des restrictions liées à la Covid-19 sur le nombre de cas. Ainsi, le nombre d’influenceurs de notre classement issus du secteur universitaire a progressé de 74,4 % et ceux du secteur gouvernemental de 57,1 %. En réalité, la plupart des premières places du classement européen sont occupées par des influenceurs gouvernementaux ou universitaires : 30 % des 100 premiers et 52 % des 25 premiers appartiennent à l’un de ces deux groupes.

Enfin, notre dernier constat est plus préoccupant : notre classement fait émerger une faible représentation des femmes influentes dans le secteur Tech européen. Seulement un influenceur sur cinq (22%) dans le top 500 européen est de sexe féminin. La France est le pays le moins diversifié avec le plus faible pourcentage de femmes dans le classement (11,1 % de l’ensemble des influenceurs français). L’Allemagne arrive devant avec une représentation de 19,2 % et le Royaume-Uni en tête avec la plus forte proportion de femmes (24,2 %) dans le Top 500 global.

Ce constat témoigne malheureusement du déséquilibre entre les sexes déjà existant dans le secteur. Cette disparité entre les sexes est largement rapportée, et Tyto cherche à y remédier par le biais de la Fondation Tyto et du travail avec la Charte des Talents Tech, en espérant observer une plus grande représentation féminine dans le rapport de l’année prochaine.

Pour en savoir plus sur les tendances du paysage des influenceurs Tech en Europe, téléchargez le rapport complet. Vous y trouverez également le classement global des 100 personnes les plus influentes en Europe ainsi que les top 100 des principaux influenceurs Tech de chaque pays.

Zoë Clark, Senior Partner et Responsable Médias et Influence chez Tyto


Tyto reveals latest Tech 500 influencer report

In 2017, we launched the Tyto Tech 500 Power List as a way to identify the most influential figures within the UK technology sector and to understand what truly creates influence. We included Germany in our analysis in 2019 and added France the year after, to give us greater insight into Europe’s three largest economies.

Today, as we launch the 5th annual Tech 500 report, our objective assessment of influence across the pan-European tech sector is more comprehensive than ever. We’ve expanded our analysis of influencers in France from a Top 100 to a Top 500 list, as in the other two countries, and have tracked new technology categories at the cutting edge of science, including quantum computing and SpaceTech.

So what have we learned in our fifth year of examining and identifying influence?

Tech 500 2021 key findings

Our first key takeaway is that GreenTech is more relevant than ever. In fact, in the pan-European Tech 500 list, GreenTech has risen to fourth most populated category among the 17 technology sectors we analysed.

Sustainability and environment issues remain a key topic sitting high up the political, social and media agenda. Plus, the COP26 Climate Change conference saw world leaders making historic commitments and pledges to cut carbon emissions and limit global warming. New technologies will be essential in making these pledges become reality, which reflects why the number of GreenTech influencers in this year’s ranking increased across all three countries. Growth in the UK was 160% and in Germany 47%. In France, GreenTech influencers have increased from only 2% of the total to 6.4%.

Our next key takeaway concerns Covid-19. Last year, the pandemic significantly reshaped the influencer landscape, and its impact can still be seen in this year’s report. The successful development and rollout of new vaccines (as well as the unfortunate emergence of newer and potentially deadlier variants of the virus) has meant that epidemiologists, immunologists and many other health experts have become vital in helping us all to explain and understand Covid-19.

As a result, the influence of people involved in biotechnology and HealthTech have risen dramatically. People such as Kate Bingham (former head of the UK vaccine taskforce), Chris Whitty (England’s chief medical officer) and Özlem Türeci (co-founder of BioNTech, which developed the first approved Covid-19 vaccine) have become some of the most influential figures of the past year. Furthermore, the number of BioTech influencers in the pan-European Tech 500 list has grown by 69% and the volume of HealthTech influencers has increased by 35%. In 2021, one in 10 influencers in the Top 500 list across the UK, Germany and France belongs to one of these two sectors.

Similarly, as a result of the pandemic, the influence of politicians, government advisors and academics has increased. People sought out expert opinions to understand the virus, as well as what impact lifting Covid-related restrictions would have on case numbers. As such, the number of influencers in our ranking from the academic sector has grown by 74.4% and those from the governmental sector by 57.1%. In fact, most of the top positions in the pan-European ranking are occupied by government or academic influencers: 30% of the top 100 and 52% of the top 25 belong to one of these two groups.

One final takeaway is perhaps more concerning, as we discovered a low representation of influential women in the European tech sector. Only one in five of the pan-European top 500 influencers are women (22%). France is the least diverse country with the lowest percentage of women in the Tech 500 (11.1% of all the French influencers), Germany is below average (19.2%), while the UK is above average with the highest proportion of women in the overall top 500 list across the three countries (24.2%).

Unfortunately, this reflects the wider gender imbalance that exists in the technology sector. This gender disparity is widely reported and it’s something Tyto is seeking to help address through the Tyto Foundation and our work with the Tech Talent Charter. Hopefully, we will see greater female representation in next year’s report.

To read about these trends in more detail, and to find out what else we discovered about Europe’s tech influencer landscape, download the full report today. You will also find the ranking of the top 100 most influential individuals across all three countries and the list of the top 100 tech influencers in each country.

Zoë Clark, senior partner and Head of Media and Influence at Tyto

The rise of academia – why academics are changing the influencer landscape

Back in 2016 during the UK Brexit referendum, Conservative politician Michael Gove infamously said: “I think the people in this country have had enough of experts.” 

Fast-forward to today, and the past year has proven Gove’s statement false. In fact, more people than ever are listening to the experts. 

We know this from compiling the latest Tyto Tech 500 Power List report. Each year, our report examines the UK, German and (for the first time this year) French markets to identify and rank the most influential individuals in business, media and government, based on their brand, social media presence, earned media and public speaking appearances. 

In the 2020 report, there are 48 academics across the three countries that are categorised as influencers in the Tech List. The UK and Germany have 26 and 20 respectively, while France has two. For comparison, in 2019 the UK and Germany had just 8 and 12 academics in their respective lists. That’s a huge increase in just a year, clearly demonstrating the rising status of academic experts. 

So why has the influence of academics changed so dramatically? One reason is, of course, Covid-19. When the pandemic began in March, people were desperate for more insight and understanding into what this disease is, how it spreads, and how vaccines would be produced. As a result, academics and health experts became a source of authoritative knowledge on Covid-19 and dealing with the pandemic.  

However, on closer inspection of our list, another reason emerges. Ten of the academics who made it into the Top 500 are from the artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) sector, more than any other single sector. Furthermore, five out of the top 10 academic influencers are in the AI/ML field. 

What does this tell us? It underlines that people are listening intently to academics about the impact of this next wave of robotics. On the one hand, this is because some are scared about the impact of automation on jobs and the ethical concerns around AI, so turn to academics to assuage their fears. On the other hand, many are excited about the prospects of this futuristic technology and what it promises in terms of efficiency and value creation, and so want to listen to academics talk about the latest AI breakthroughs.  

There have been several major AI stories in the past 12 months. For instance, the technology was deployed across the healthcare industry to help detect Covid-19 in patients and to track the side-effects of coronavirus vaccines. But there have also been scandals, such as reports that AI-powered facial recognition software is prone to racial bias. Academics have helped journalists and audiences make sense of these stories.  

What does this trend mean for the PR industry? The fact that people are listening more and more to experts demonstrates the value of positioning our clients’ spokespeople as experts, an initiative that PRs have been promoting for a very long time. Because of this trend, positioning programmes such as media briefings or LinkedIn content strategies make even more sense as worthwhile initiatives for clients to pursue.

As well as building up a client’s own experts, this research demonstrates the importance of collaborating with and involving other established academic experts in communication initiatives. Their support will lend the initiative more weight and credibility 

Looking ahead to the rest of 2021 and beyond, there are bound to be many more major breakthroughs in AI and other tech sectors. The media will be keen to hear more from experts about what these developments will mean for people’s personal lives and businesses. Plus, it is highly likely that academic influencers will feature prominently once again in the next Tyto 500 report. Clearly, the people of Europe have not “had enough of experts”.  

To read more about the top influencers across Europe, download the full report today. 

 Tyto Tech 500: Top 10 Academic Influencers 

  1. Alison Clark-Wilson – UCL (sector: EdTech)
  2. Richard Self – University of Derby (AI/ML) 
  3. Cecile Dejoux – CNAM & ESCP Europe (AI/ML)
  4. Claudia KemfertLeuphana University of Lüneburg (GreenTech) 
  5. Afsaneh AsaeiUnternehmerTUM (AI/ML) 
  6. Aftab Hussain – Bolton College (EdTech) 
  7. Jeffrey Pollard – University of Edinburgh (BioTech) 
  8. Professor Nick Jennings – Imperial College (AI/ML) 
  9. Lisa-Maria Neudert – Oxford Institute (AI/ML) 
  10. Mark Simpson – Teesside University (EdTech) 


Photo credit (c) Brett Jordan, 

The gender gap – why women’s influence has diminished in 2020

The gender gap – why women’s influence has diminished in 2020

Each year, the Tyto Tech 500 Power List identifies the most influential individuals across the UK in business, media and government. Over the past few years, we have seen more and more leading women represented in the rankings, thanks to a global push for more female leaders and influencers in the technology sector.

Unfortunately, that trend has come to a halt in 2020, as the proportion of women in the UK rankings has fallen from 34% in 2019 to 28%. Last year, there were four women in the UK Top 10, but this year there are just two.

So why has gender inequality widened in this year’s report? A major factor is, of course, the coronavirus. Study after study by the likes of the UN and the World Economic Forum show that women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

With schools and daycare centres forced to close, it was found that women were more likely to be burdened with childcare: research by the Fawcett Society showed that a third of working mothers reported having lost work or hours due to a lack of childcare during the crisis. Earlier this month, a report by the International Labour Organization showed that without subsidies such as coronavirus furlough schemes, women would have lost 8.1% of their wages in the second quarter of 2020, compared with 5.4% for men, according to a sample of 28 European countries. The UN has warned that improvements to gender equality risk being rolled back because of Covid-19.

It is highly unlikely that the influencer landscape has been unaffected by these economic trends. Clearly, there is much work to do in 2021 to achieve greater gender diversity in the technology industry.

It’s worth mentioning that while women are in the minority of influencers in all three countries covered in the Tyto Tech 500 Power List, women’s influence on the tech sector remains higher than their actual representation in it: only 17% of jobs within the tech sector are held by women. In France, women made up 27% of the rankings. In Germany, female representation in the influencer landscape actually improved, rising from 18% in last year’s Tech 500 Power List to 19% this year, with three women making it into the Top 10, compared to just one last year.

Who are some of the women to feature in this year’s Tech 500 Power List? The top-ranking female influencer in the UK is Liz Ashall-Payne, CEO of the health app evaluation and distribution organisation ORCHA. Her placement at #3 reflects the growing importance of digital health solutions and the broader focus on healthcare in the context of Covid-19.

The next highest placement is Emily Gosden, energy editor of The Sunday Times. Gosden has fallen from 1st place in last year’s report to 10th this year, as the coronavirus increased the influence of politicians: 40% of the UK Top 10 are government representatives. However, her high placement still reflects the prominence of GreenTech in the influencer landscape, as well as the continued importance of environmental issues.

Overall, while it is disappointing that gender inequality has increased in this year’s report, hopefully, this is a temporary blip and women’s voices will cut through once again in next year’s Power List. To find out more about the top female influencers in Europe, download the full report today.

Tyto Tech 500: Top 10 UK Women Influencers

  1. Liz Ashall-Payne – ORCHA
  2. Emily Gosden – The Times
  3. Amanda Solloway – Government
  4. Sarah Knapton – The Telegraph
  5. Ashley Armstrong – The Times
  6. Mary Portas – Portas
  7. Alison Clark-Wilson – UCL
  8. Elena Cinquegrana – BP
  9. Anne-Marie Imafidon – Stemettes
  10. Ecaterina Harling – EBRD
Tyto Tech 500 Power List 2020

« Les influenceurs en 2020: qui sont-ils vraiment? »

On utilise souvent le terme « influenceur » dans le domaine du marketing et des relations publiques. Ces personnes sont en général importantes aux yeux du public. Ces « influenceurs » nous font part de leurs opinions sur des sujets et des événements d’actualité et peuvent même impacter nos choix au quotidien, dans une certaine mesure. Par exemple, ils peuvent influencer notre comportement d’achat, le parti politique que nous soutenons ou encore les communautés que nous aimerions rejoindre.

À l’heure  le monde fourmille d’influenceurs de toutes sortes, on peut se poser la question : comment peut-on encore déterminer qui est vraiment un influenceur en 2020 ? Le terme lui-même a complètement changé de sens au fil des ans et continue d’évoluer – jusqu’à la rédaction de ce billet de blog.

Dans le passé, les influenceurs étaient soit des célébrités du cinéma et de la télévision, soit des journalistes et des chroniqueurs fortement présents dans les médias. Les réseaux sociaux ont tout changé. Un nouveau genre de porte-parole est apparuqui peut directement communiquer avec les masses. Soudain, les gens « normaux » ont commencé a disposer d’une plate-forme conséquente à partir de laquelle ils ont pu atteindre un grand nombre de personnes, construire leur propre marque et gagner en influence. Les hommes politiques (que ce soit au niveau national ou local), les scientifiques, mais aussi beaucoup d’autres ont soudain eu une voix qui s’est fait entendre.

En développant la Tyto Tech 500 Power List, nous voulions savoir qui sont ces personnes influentes dans le paysage actuel de la tech. Nous nous sommes donc penchés sur les hommes politiques, les journalistes, les scientifiques, mais aussi les chefs d’entreprise et les leaders d’opinion dans ce secteur.

Notre Tyto Tech 500 Power List est le classement annuel du secteur tech français, britannique et allemand. Pour figurer dans la liste, une personne doit avoir une influence sociale significative, en ligne et hors ligne. Il s’agit du premier classement français fondé sur des données qui ne dépend pas de mesures individuelles ou d’opinions subjectives, mais qui examine, entre autres, le degré d’activité de ces personnes sur les réseaux sociaux, la fréquence de leurs interventions dans les conférences et la couverture médiatique de ces derniers.

La Tyto Tech 500 Power List 2020 et de plus amples informations sur la méthodologie sont disponibles au lien suivant.   

Tyto Tech 500 Power List 2020

Tyto launches new Tech 500 influencer report

How Covid-19 has reshaped the influencer landscape

One year ago, I doubt anyone could have predicted how 2020 would have developed. Covid-19 has impacted every facet of our lives, both professional and personal.

The economy took a serious hit as a result of the restrictions imposed to deal with the pandemic, though thankfully we are starting to see green shoots of recovery as we enter the new year, not least due to the positive news that several successful vaccines have been produced.

And from compiling this year’s Tech 500 report, it’s clear that the virus has reshaped the influencer landscape as well. This year’s report is more comprehensive than ever, as for the first time we have tracked the top influencers in the French market and produced a combined Top 100 list of influencers across the key European markets of Germany, France and the UK.

The most notable change to this year’s rankings is that the influence of government figures and academics has demonstrably risen. 34 government officials or representatives made it into the list this year, the vast majority of them from the UK, and Britain’s health minister Matt Hancock came top of the overall Power List. Hancock previously ranked at 11th in 2019, and 20th in 2018.

Perhaps it is unsurprising that politicians and professors should feature so prominently in the listings. Covid-19 has generated huge amounts of political and economic uncertainty this year, especially during the start of the pandemic when we knew so little about this new disease. In an era of fake news and conspiracy theories, it is a positive sign that most people turned and listened to reputable sources of information to reassure us, help us understand what was happening and what precautions we should be taking.

Other developments have been less positive. For instance, gender diversity in the Tech 500 has diminished this year.

For the last three years, female representation in the Tech 500 has steadily increased, peaking at 34% in 2019’s list. This year, their share of representation among the top influencers has fallen to 28% in the UK, while in France 27% of influencers are women. In Germany, on the other hand, there was a slight increase from 18% to 19%, and three women made it into the German Top 10, compared to just one in 2019.

While female representation has improved in some sectors, such as FoodTech and AgriTech in the UK and SecureTech in Germany, the overall decline is troubling. Again, much of the blame likely falls with Covid-19: with schools forced to shut, it has been suggested that the burden of childcare disproportionately impacted working mothers. Clearly more needs to be done to champion women’s voices, and hopefully we will see this decline be reversed in next year’s report.

Looking at the mix of sectors present in the Top 500, some have fallen much more than others. For example, the number of FinTech influencers in the listings dropped by 33% in Germany and 34% in the UK. This change likely reflects the impact of Covid-19, which pushed the UK, German and French economies into recession. In times of economic turmoil, people are more likely to seek safety with the big traditional banks, rather than take a risk on a FinTech start-up. But with the economy set to recover next year, there is scope for the sector to regain some ground in the influencer landscape.

In contrast to FinTech’s decline, GreenTech grew its share of the Top 500 by 36% in the UK and 21% in Germany. This confirms a prediction we made last year that GreenTech would feature more prominently in the 2020 rankings.

Why has the influence of GreenTech grown? Partly because Covid-19 has gotten us to think more about our environment. Carbon emissions are down due to remote working and reduced air travel, and the pandemic proved that our supply chains and economies aren’t as resilient or as sustainable as perhaps we’d like them to be. “Build Back Better” became the rallying cry of politicians and activists everywhere in 2020. And now, with the end of the pandemic in sight, people are thinking about how we can harness the same collective energy used to tackle the virus and apply it to tackling climate change.

Clearly, the ripple effect of Covid-19 has been felt across the influencer landscape. Most likely, it will continue to be felt throughout 2021, and these trends may still be evident in future Tech 500 Power Listings. Download the full report, today.

Nominate Tech 500 Blog Image copy

Tyto Tech 500 2020 opens for submissions for UK, France and Germany

Now in its fourth year, the Tyto Tech 500 Power List is our way of helping you recognise the most influential people in tech. Published each year, for 2020 we are expanding our reach to further solidify its position as a benchmark for the most influential people in tech with some new additions.

The Tyto Tech 500 Power List is, as with previous years, the only objective data-driven influence study on the European tech sector. Everyone featured with the research must have social media, online and, uniquely, offline influence. The visibility of each individual is factored into our proprietary research, which is not reliant on single metrics or subjective opinion.

In 2019, we expanded outside of the UK and conducted research for Germany too. This continues in 2020, but with the addition of France for the first time.

Furthermore, from today, 27th July 2020, to ensure the most complete and up to date picture of influencers, we are inviting you to submit suggestions for individual influencers you think should be evaluated as part of our process. This will add an additional level of rigour to our proprietary research model, assisting us in being able to cover the European tech scene. To do so, simply fill in our very short and simple online form.

Submissions will only be open until the end of August 2020. This year’s final report will be launched in November. For now, you can view the 2019 Tyto Tech 500 Power List and pass on the submission form link to anyone you think is a suitable fit.

Influence Tech 500

What makes an influencer? Behind the scenes at the #Tech500

Those of us in the integrated marketing and public relations sector often speak of ‘influencers’ as central to our industry, and to the business landscape as a whole. Undoubtedly, influencers are crucially important. After all, they shape the public’s thoughts around current events. They define how information narratives are presented and even influence the products we buy. Public relations wouldn’t exist without influencers.

But, in 2019, how do we truly determine who is an influencer? The very moniker itself has changed meaning throughout the years and continues to evolve well into the writing of this blog post.

In the past, influencers consisted of mainstream television and film celebrities, along with journalists and columnists who were well represented within mass media. The advent of social media changed all of this, when influence became more nuanced and, in a sense, democratised. It brought with it a channel whereby non-media professionals were able to share their voice in front of wider business and consumer audiences. All of a sudden, seemingly ‘regular’ people had a large platform from which they could reach many, build their own brand, and garner influence. Thanks to social media, local politicians, academics and journalists have been able to take on a greater role of influence, and this has only continued to increase as social has evolved throughout the years.

Each year, when we analyse influencers within the tech and business landscape for the Tyto Tech 500 Power List, we take into account new sources of influence. No longer limited to professionals such as celebrities and journalists, we’re now seeing the rise of business leaders as influencers.

The Tyto Tech 500 Power List is our annual proprietary research and ranking into the UK and German technology sectors. To make the list, an individual must have social, online and offline influence. It is the first data-driven ranking that isn’t reliant on single metrics or subjective opinion.

We employ a five-stage research approach to define an impartial and repeatable study of key tech influencers, both within the UK and Germany. This five-step approach allows us to truly drill down on levels of influence through the use of research and expert interviews to determine key influencer groups and identify sub-sectors through online search data and media analysis. Data drives each step, allowing us to present a final list of the top 500 annually. Because the same method is used each time, it allows us to present year-on-year comparisons of varying influence. In this way, we can see how the influencer landscape shifts based on changing trends and communications channels.

This year, we’ve used this methodology not only to pinpoint influencers across the UK but also to identify the top tech influencers in Germany. We hope you find our list useful and compelling, and most of all – we hope it inspires thoughts around influence and what it means for all of us, both as professionals and consumers in our daily lives.

View the full 2019 Tyto Tech 500 Power List of influencers within the UK.

View the full 2019 Tyto Tech 500 Power List of influencers within Germany.

Government Tech 500

The influence of government – Top 10 influencers in UK Government #Tech500

Government is an area that, prior to now, had not been widely represented within the UK influencer landscape. Although government and the officials who make its policies obviously influence the daily workings of national business and individual lives, government officials themselves haven’t typically been seen as influential within the tech community.

That is, the social follows, online mentions and public speaking platforms taken up by key players in government haven’t, to date, been strong enough to land many government officials in previous iterations of the Tyto Tech 500 Power List.

2019, however, signals a changing trend, wherein UK government officials are increasingly voicing their thoughts and opinions through channels that influence both business people and consumers alike.

As a consequence, government officials have cut through into the top 500 in this year’s Tyto Tech 500 Power List. Whereas a total of ten government officials featured in the 2018 Tech 500, a total of 11 feature this year. Three government officials feature in the Top 20 alone, whilst zero were present in 2018. While the numbers themselves may not seem drastically different, that’s a 300% year-on-year increase, which is not insignificant when we consider a sector that traditionally hasn’t been known for its influential impact within the mainstream.

In today’s tumultuous global political landscape, government officials are gaining increased clout and influence due to greater public appetite for (and scrutiny of) politics and its impact on all facets of daily life.

Tyto Tech 500: Top 10 Influencers in Government

  1. Chi Onwurah – MP, Newcastle upon Tyne Central, Labour Party
  2. Matt Hancock – MP, West Suffolk; Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, Conservative Party
  3. Philip Hammond – MP, Runnymeade and Weybridge, former Conservative Party
  4. George Freeman – MP, Mid Norfolk, Conservative Party
  5. Caroline Lucas – British Green Party
  6. Sajid Javid – Chancellor of the Exchequer, Conservative Party
  7. Baroness Natalie Bennett – Green Party of England and Wales
  8. Rajesh Agrawal – Deputy Mayor of London for Business
  9. Molly Scott Cato – MEP, South West England
  10. Matt Warman – MP, Boston and Skegness

Roles are accurate at the time of compiling the Tech 500, pre-2019 general election.

Download the full UK Power List today.

Tyto Tech 500 UK 2019 Women in Tech

Women of Influence – Top 10 UK women influencers, #Tech500

Each year, the Tyto Tech 500 Power List identifies the most influential individuals across the UK in business, media and government, and each year sees a number of leading women represented in its ranks. We are pleased to report, however, that 2019 reveals a banner year for female influencers, with women making up 40% of the Top 10 influencers in the UK.  

Most notably, Emily Gosden, energy editor at The Sunday Times, leads the Power List with her well-earned spot at #1. This is the first time that to date that a female influencer has achieved the leading rank on the annual Power List.  

In fact, within the entire Tyto Tech 500 Power List, women made up more than a third (34%) of total influencers. That is an increase of 3% as compared to 2018, when women made up only 31% of the Tyto Tech 500 Power List.  

The women of influence making up this year’s Tyto Tech 500 Power List come from diverse sectors, including journalism, business, government, and academia.  

While this increase portends a positive trend on the rise, it nevertheless draws our attention to the fact that the influencer landscape still has a way to go in terms of achieving true gender balanceCertainly, this trend of women steadily on the rise is one we hope to see continue in future years as women continue to make their voices heard and break through the glass ceiling into the highest levels of business and influence.   

Tyto Tech 500: Top 10 UK Women Influencers  

  1. Emily Gosden – Energy editor, The Sunday Times; leads all influencers as #1 on the Power List
  2. Chi Onwurah – MP, Newcastle upon Tyne Central
  3. Fiona Briggs – Journalist, Retail Times
  4. Anne Boden, MBE – CEO, Starling Bank
  5. Mary Portas – Retail consultant and broadcaster
  6. Sarah Knapton – Journalist, The Daily Telegraph
  7. Ashley Armstrong – Journalist, The Times
  8. Dr Sue Black, OBE FCBS FRSA – AcademicDurham University
  9. Nicola Mendelsohn CBE – VP EMEA, Facebook
  10. Lilach Bullock – Digital marketing expert

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