Awareness2Demand™: Breaking down siloes between PR-driven awareness and demand generation

We work with multiple stakeholders across sales, marketing and PR within our clients, and something we sense repeatedly is a fear of missing opportunities. This ‘FOMO’ manifests in different ways – it could be the comms director wondering if some market research could work as a media story, the sales director who missed a great bit of news coverage to share with prospects, or the CMO wondering if their lead-gen hero assets are fully maximising ROI. 

Everyone can see the value of the work other departments are doing, but operational silos are preventing teams from collaborating to the best effect. This is why we are partnering with HUT 3, experts in intent-driven demand and Account Based Marketing (ABM), to launch Awareness2Demand: an innovative model with a framework, experts and tools, that makes driving awareness and nurturing demand more efficient and impactful.   

To underline the need for Awareness2Demand, we undertook research among European B2B tech decision-makers in sales, marketing, and PR. The results revealed the challenges they are facing today and the scale of untapped integrated opportunities. 

‘Silo syndrome’ and sapped budgets 

Our belief that all departments want to work more closely together to plan and execute integrated campaigns proved true – 88% of decision-makers agreed with this, with over half (52%) saying there is much room for improvement. Crucially, they believe doing so could improve the efficiency of campaign planning and execution by an impressive 45% on average and could dramatically improve the impact and ROI of campaigns by 40%.  

These findings become even more interesting when we consider that over a third of these decision-makers rank budget constraints as one of the biggest challenges they face this year. ABM is under the most scrutiny, with 62% saying their budgets are either staying flat or decreasing this year, followed by SEO (61%) and demand generation (59%). Budgets in other key areas like PR (53%), content marketing (49%) and social media (47%) are also under pressure.    

Our research also revealed the buyer journey has increased by over a third (36%) in the last two years to an average of nine, meaning there are even more touchpoints and personas that content must resonate with before converting to a sale. As a result, 70% are focussing sales, marketing and PR efforts on either a one-to-many approach or the total addressable market.  

How can departments collaborate better to unlock that ROI? 

All this leads to the bigger question: how can these departments work together more effectively to reach broader audiences, realise those 45% gains in efficiency and boost ROI, all while budgets are being squeezed?  

For 44% of decision-makers, the answer lies in having a better understanding of what other departments need, while 39% agree more regular sharing of ideas and priorities across departments is needed, and 35% that better alignment on each other’s objectives is crucial.  

Having visibility of other departments’ assets (34%) along with the resources to adapt content from each other (32%) were also identified as important. This is particularly significant as 79% believe storytelling is crucial to educating and persuading their audiences on key issues and topics, yet most decision-makers (83%) don’t seem to be able to do so effectively, saying they need more relevant assets and content to hit their objectives. 

This tells us that sales, marketing and PR need processes to make strategic alignment stronger, ensure campaigns are developed and executed collaboratively and that all assets are utilised across departments.  

Awareness2Demand – a new model for integrated campaigns 

Awareness2Demand is a disruptive new model designed to integrate PR, demand generation and account-based marketing (ABM) to overcome these silos. It combines Tyto’s pan-European B2B tech PR and Content Studio capabilities with HUT 3’s award-winning intent-driven demand and ABM approach, to empower B2B tech brands to unlock untapped campaign impact and drive ROI from better collaboration.  

This offer is hugely exciting and responds directly to what our customers want and what a budget-squeezed landscape calls for. So many marketers we work with see the opportunity for greater efficiency, but now, with Awareness2Demand, there’s an intelligent and practical model to do this. 

Reach out to learn more about how we can help transform your next campaign.