The top 3 under-utilised marketing assets and how to get more ‘bang for buck’

“What assets do we have?” 

Whether you’re a sales machine, marketing bod or a PR professional, everyone relies on assets for success. And, our recent pan-European research of 350 decision makers across these departments in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK proved we produce a lot of them every year, with the average business producing around 60 different pieces of content.

We love great assets. They are the tactics and the enablers of all campaigns, driving action from brand awareness all the way through to demand generation. But did you know that nearly two in five of these assets are rarely or never repurposed across other channels?

There is a sizeable untapped opportunity for better return on investment for all these assets, especially with over a third of those we surveyed ranking budget constraints as one of the biggest challenges they face this year, and Gartner’s latest CMO spend report revealing a 15% YoY drop in budgets: doing more with less has never been so important.  

Assessing the asset wastage

Our research revealed the assets most underutilised were some of the most time-intensive to create.

Even thinking about ballpark figures and time investment reveals how frighteningly wasteful it is only to use these assets once. Podcasts and webinars require huge coordination and prep of spokespeople (internal and external), let alone the additional time to promote, record and produce the final outputs. While eBooks and whitepapers vary considerably in length and depth, most include some external research wrapped in, the time for subject experts to craft the most compelling narrative, and final design and review time.  

This wastage is even starker when we consider that all professionals desperately want and need more content – 83% believe they need more relevant assets and pieces of content to hit their objectives, while 79% believe storytelling is important to educate and persuade their audiences on key issues and topics.  

Siloes between awareness and demand  

The truth is that whether sales, marketing or PR, teams know that they could and should be working more closely together and improving collaboration to prevent this asset wastage – 88% believe their departments could work more closely, with over half believing there is a lot of room for improvement. They even estimate that closer collaboration could improve the efficiency of campaign planning by 45% and drive a 40% boost in ROI.

For 44% of decision makers, the answer lies in having a better understanding of what other departments need, while 39% agree more regular sharing of ideas and priorities across departments is important, and over a third (35%) that better alignment on each other’s objectives is crucial. Asset and resource sharing was also a key theme: 34% want better visibility of the other departments’ assets (34%) along with the resources (32%) to adapt assets.

Awareness2Demand™ – a new model for integrated campaigns 

The key takeaway is loud and clear: teams want to repurpose assets and see it brings efficiencies, but to date have lacked an effective means to collaborate and share the workload. Until now.

Awareness2Demand™ is a disruptive new model designed to integrate PR, demand generation and account-based marketing (ABM) to overcome these silos. It combines Tyto’s pan-European B2B tech PR and Content Studio capabilities with HUT 3’s award-winning intent-driven demand and ABM approach, to empower B2B tech brands to unlock untapped campaign impact and drive ROI from better collaboration.

This offer is hugely exciting and responds directly to what our customers want and what a budget-squeezed landscape calls for. So many marketers we work with see the opportunity for greater efficiency, but now with Awareness2Demand™, there’s an intelligent and practical model to do this and deliver even more impact and ROI.

Reach out if you want to learn more about how to get more bang for your buck.